Industry news
Ecommpay will officially launch its latest product at Open Banking Expo UK and Europe on 19 October in London.
The member of the House of Lords will address delegates on Day One of the Expo.
Through the partnership Access to Arabia can help Jordanian banks comply with the central bank’s Open Finance regulations.
The agreement will enable US consumers to share their financial information with third-party apps and services.
Stephany Kirkpatrick, Orum’s chief executive officer, said that US businesses “need confidence” they are debiting or crediting a real account.
Demand for personal loans is on the rise in Bahrain.
By using Open Banking, users of BuildMyCreditScore can build up their credit score through their everyday spending habits.
Arthur sat down with Open Banking Expo to discuss all things adoption, industry challenges and the bigger picture when it comes to innovation that’s coming down the line.
Source: Press release Nuapay, EML Payments’ Open Banking and account-to-account (A2A) payments business, announces the results of research into PSPs and ISVs views on Open Banking adoption and potential barriers. UK payment providers reported that they expect over half (51%) of their payment flows to convert to Open Banking in…
The partnership addresses challenges like fraud, slow settlements, and high payment processing fees head-on.