Industry news
Speakers from Mastercard, Avato, Raidiam, FDX and TD Bank discussed a single regulated standard versus market-driven standards at Open Banking Expo Canada.
This year, 66 companies have been shortlisted, representing the best of Open Banking, Open Finance and Open Payments.
Paymentology and Mastercard aim to enable consumers and small businesses in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras to “gain access to innovative, safe, and convenient financial solutions”.
Incoming chief executive officer Chriss, who succeeds Dan Schulman, led Intuit’s $12 billion acquisition of Mailchimp.
The central bank’s payment and clearing systems were both hit by a “technical issue” on 14 August.
Open Finance Network Canada has called for the September 2023 Open Banking report to establish “a definitive deadline for implementation and a roadmap” to Open Finance.
Mubadala and BlackRock have backed the mobility fintech, which provides vehicle financing.