Brave new world

As the UK celebrates a year since the first Open Banking regulations came into force, the world is watching its progress. But not every country is following its approach, finds Jenny Turton…   Regulatory initiatives, fintech innovations and rising consumer demand for ease and convenience, are fuelling a momentum for change across all industries, especially…

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Open Banking: Who are you opening the door to?

Why your customers could be the downfall of Open Banking – and how data sharing can save it. Lee D’Arcy, director of engagement at Cifas, at the UK’s fraud prevention service spoke to Open Banking Expo Magazine.   One fraud hides a multitude of crimes In the world of business, it’s rare to find a…

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Payments: The battle for supremacy

Regulation has stimulated a wave of new entrants to the payments space and incumbents are spending big to protect their market share. But who is likely to win out in the battle for supremacy? Joe McGrath and Jenny Turton investigate… Competition in the payments sector is intensifying at breakneck speed. The arrival of the second…

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