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Insight: How to unlock the full value of Open Banking for UK small businesses

CRIF’s Sara Costantini writes about why small businesses are lagging consumers when it comes to reaping the benefits of Open Banking in the UK and how to change that.

Insight: Why there’s a problem with the Reimbursement Code

The fight against APP scams has some way to go, according to the Lending Standards Board’s Emma Lovell, who writes that prevention in an increasingly expansive payments landscape cannot solely lie with banks and lenders.

Digital marketing could be the answer to thriving in an Open Banking landscape

Banks and financial institutions of all stripes are now facing a challenging new marketing landscape.

Insight: How to future proof BNPL services

Paynetics CEO Mike Peplow explains why regulating buy now, pay later is a matter of ‘when’, not ‘if’.

Open Banking: 6 ways startups and banks can utilise this technology

Open Banking has been shaking things up for the past few years and it’s gaining traction once more.

Q&A: Tink’s Tom Pope on how Open Banking can turn payments into a competitive advantage

Tom Pope, VP payments and platforms at Tink, on the ‘spectrum’ of use cases Open Banking-enabled payments can solve.

Insight: Sorting fact from fiction in European Open Banking

Token’s Nikita Septucha writes about why it’s time to stop talking about Open Banking connections in terms of the number of bank APIs a provider can connect to.

Insight: Three trends driving change in payments

Finastra’s Axel Zingsem explains why instant payments, CBDCs and digital identity are set to be catalysts for change in Open Banking payments this year.

Insight: Can Canada deliver Open Banking?

Nick Chandi, co-founder and CEO of ForwardAI, explains why Canada needs to move on from screen-scraping if it is to implement Open Banking by 2023.