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Q&A: DB’s Joris Hensen on why bank APIs are ‘essential’ for customer-centric solutions

Ellie Duncan,
22 Aug 2022

Joris Hensen, initiator and co-lead Deutsche Bank API program at Deutsche Bank, reveals what he is looking forward to hearing about at this year’s Open Banking Expo Europe Confex and why he is pleased to be involved in a panel discussion on API standards.

1. What is of note, in your view, on this year’s Open Banking Expo Europe agenda?

The agenda of Open Banking Expo Europe shows how much Open Banking has evolved over the last years. It covers important topics such as Open Finance, PSD3 or embedded payments. I am excited that the importance of APIs is also becoming more and more evident, with the agenda featuring a strong focus on API standards.

2. What makes your panel stand out from the rest?

Our panel discussion, titled ‘The Future of API Standards’, will not only highlight the important topic of new API standards, but will also provide insights from different perspectives on how digital transformation can succeed and what factors are important for making it happen.

3. What unique perspective will you bring to the conversation?

Joris Hensen

Joris Hensen of Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank opened up to third-party providers well before the introduction of PSD2. Based on my experiences during this long Open Banking journey, I will share insights into the digital transformation of a financial institution.

4. Why is your topic for discussion important? 

API standards are a new development step and it is worthwhile to illuminate their importance from the perspective of different stakeholders: What are the views of those who are building on these standards? How are banks leveraging this evolution toward API banking? And ultimately, what do customers want when it comes to using their data?

5. What is the key message you want to leave the audience with?

Bank APIs are essential for creating innovative and customer-centric solutions. API standards enable the broad adaptation of these APIs, but at the same time their success depends on a bank’s structures: a partnership philosophy, an ‘API first’ mentality, new roles and capabilities as well as digital business models are all part of a successful embedded finance strategy.

Open Banking Expo Europe takes place on 30 September 2022 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, with headline partner Token. Click here to view the agenda in full and get your tickets, which are free for qualifying individuals.