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Aiia launches Open Banking growth programme for SMBs

Ellie Duncan
06 Aug 2021

Aiia has launched a new Open Banking programme for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to help them get their Open Banking solutions live.

The ‘Aiia for SMBs’ growth programme has been designed for European SMBs or startups that Aiia says “want to make financial innovation flourish”.

There are 50 spaces available on the programme and businesses with any use case are invited to apply.

As part of the programme, Aiia confirmed that it is releasing its data services for free for three months.

In addition, Aiia will dedicate an entire team – from tech, to product and commercial success to help potential SMBs joining the programme get started with their Open Banking journeys.

Successful applicants will be partnered with a team that will provide insight into how best to optimise IT infrastructure and will assist businesses in establishing connectivity in its sandbox.

Businesses that take part in the programme will also get account-to-account payments at a low-fixed fee and will see their product pushed live ‘within days’.

In a blog post, Rune Kallehauge, head of PR at Aiia, wrote: “As the most experienced Open Banking provider in Europe, we’ve spent over a decade in the Nordic markets as the Open Banking originals, ensuring each and every bank interface is matured and of productive value to the end-user.

“Now, we’re bringing this model to the rest of Europe, enabling Open Banking that simply works for companies like yours.”

Businesses are invited to apply via the Aiia website.

Last month, Aiia announced that it had partnered with Danish pension fund Velliv to deliver Open Banking payments.