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FCA extends SCA compliance deadline

30 Apr 2020

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) announced on 30 April that it is extending the deadline for the industry to implement strong customer authentication (SCA) for e-commerce.

The deadline has been extended by six months to 14 September 2020. The exceptional circumstances of the Covid-19 crisis is cited as the reason for the extension, in order to minimise potential disruption to consumers and merchants. The original deadline was 14 March 2021.

The industry is required to take all necessary steps to comply with the revised detailed phased implementation plan and critical path to avoid the risk of enforcement action.

The FCA expects UK Finance to discuss the detailed phased implementation plan and critical path with all stakeholders and agree it with them as soon as possible. In the meantime, firms should continue with the necessary preparatory activities such as robust end-to-end testing.

After 14 September 2021, any firm that fails to comply with the requirements for SCA will be subject to full FCA supervisory and enforcement action.