Fiorano launches a single-stack technology platform for PSD2 ASPSP Interfaces
Newsdesk | News
19 Nov 2018
Fiorano Software, the high-performance enterprise middleware and integration specialist has launched a single-stack technology platform for PSD2, designed to help banks securely deliver ASPSP Interfaces in accelerated timeframes. By incorporating all the technology banks require to deliver ASPSP Interfaces into a single bundle, Fiorano is simplifying the compliance journey, in the process saving time and costs by reducing the number of integrations required and eliminating uncertainties.
As per N.S. Biju, Country Manager – UK, Fiorano Software,“With the PSD2 regulatory timelines now becoming a hot-topic of discussion, everybody is getting into the game including established organisations in traditional API Management and IAM spaces as well as PSD2 startups across Europe, offering an easy, cloud-hosted-hub solution. In reality, while the hub-approach may work for some, there is more to PSD2 than just API Management and IAM. Secure integration into a bank environment can be complex and this is an area Fiorano has excelled in for almost two decades. By incorporating pre-configured IAM & PSD2 specific flows and functionality onto traditional Fiorano Middleware and API Management components, and delivering these as a pre-configured single-stack bundle, the PSD2 Accelerator almost guarantees a risk-free approach to banks, by-design”.
Fiorano’s PSD2 Accelerator is pre-configured to the Open Banking UK specification and includes all the technology components required for Banks & ASPSPs to deliver Access to Account (XS2A), Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) and Common and Secure Communication (CSC). Crucially, to help banks meet the March 2019 deadline the PSD2 Accelerator also includes a ready-to-deploy developer portal and sandbox that can be plugged-in easily using Fiorano Middleware and switched-on.
For more information about Fiorano PSD2 Accelerator, please visit www.fiorano.com/psd2.