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Industry news: Prolifics launches API stress testing suite

15 Mar 2019

Bespoke systems integrator, Prolifics Inc announces its new “OB Test Suite”, a testing solution dedicated to Open Banking and PSD2.

The OB Test Suite aims to ensure that Account Servicing Payment Service Providers (ASPSP) are compliant with the Open Banking Implementation Entity’s (OBIE) stringent tests around the newly launched legislation; both Security and Functional Testing are offered by Prolifics’ team of PSD2 experts to ensure financial-grade APIs, resulting in “unequivocal” compliance. Further to this, ASPSPs have the ability to upload test results publicly as evidence of a conformant solution, a critical regulatory requirement.

Speaking about the solution, Mike Owen-Lloyd, Prolifics’ UK CEO commented:

“The Prolifics team has worked incredibly hard to get our customers ready for Open Banking, and the OB Test Suite builds on our work to date, enabling our clients to test and prove compliance, regardless of the underlying API technology.”
Owen-Lloyd continues:
“Testing is a critical element of the application lifecycle, Prolifics’ accelerators address our customer’s functional, non-functional, performance and automation testing requirements. The value of this specific solution is that we can evolve it to mirror the rapidly changing standards around Open Banking, and this has been well received by our customers who do not all wish to be experts in this.”

With conformance tests on the horizon, the Open Banking OIDC Conformance Suite (aka the FAPI Testing Suite) requires significant knowledge of version 3.1 of the Open Banking API specification, with which Prolifics can also assist.

Prolifics’ Enterprise Architect, Marc Edwards adds:
“As we draw nearer the deadline, incremental updates to the standards do make it challenging to prove and re-prove compliance; our experience across many customers is based in to the OB Test Suite, which is itself rapidly evolving to reflect the changing standards.

Prolifics is also offering an OB API health check service, through which our PSD2 experts can apply the OB Test Suite and make specific recommendations and/or remediation.

Edwards goes on to explain that “Stress Testing is the next obvious step for an organisation with a PSD2 solution, ensuring that the solution maintains integrity, with resilience to a large concurrent user load.”

Prolifics, which is partnered with IBM software, leverages IBM’s API Connect platform to provide a fully managed PSD2 compliant Sandbox that can be up and running in 4 weeks. Its cost effective and proven technology, is a strong platform for future production services.