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Industry webinar: Finance after forbearance

30 Sep 2020

Equifax has launched its latest webinar series with the next instalment to go live on Wednesday 7th October at 10am and there is still time to register for your complimentary place.

This session will examine what organisations can do to reduce risks associated with dealing with customers after forbearance, by using data to better understand individual levels of affordability before deciding on the most appropriate customer management strategy.

2.5m people have benefitted from lenders offering payment holidays and almost 10 million people have been supported by the furlough scheme. The obligation for lenders to offer this level of financial support will be removed at the same time as government support for the furlough scheme, so dramatic increases in levels of consumer debt and financial vulnerability seem inevitable.

Organisations need to choose their next steps carefully to ensure the fair treatment of customers and manage risks associated with a return to normal credit repayment levels in a period of economic uncertainty.

Speakers on the webinar include:

  • Emma Steeley, Chief Executive Officer, AccountScore
  • Tom Feest: Head of Collections and Recoveries, PSA Finance
  • Gareth McNab, Money Advice Liaison Manager, Nationwide
  • Kamini Patel, Head of Client Analytics, Equifax
  • Robert McKechnie, Head of Product, Equifax

You can sign up today HERE