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M&S Bank enables faster mortgage applications with Open Banking

27 Feb 2019

M&S Bank has become one of the first mortgage providers to enable open banking assisted mortgage applications.

The Open Banking enabled mortgage journey means most customers will no longer need to source and supply copies of bank statements to support their mortgage application. Using the Open Banking assisted journey, this documentation will be immediately and securely provided via an open banking platform, making the process not only simpler and easier, but also faster and more secure.

The new solution increases M&S Bank’s Open Banking offering, which already includes personal loans and M&S Credit Card applications.

Julia Annandale, Head of Mortgages, M&S Bank, said: “Delivering excellent mortgage solutions and the M&S-standard service that our customers have come to know and expect from M&S Bank is our absolute priority.

“We’re delighted to offer an Open Banking assisted mortgage application journey, which will make things even easier for our customers when making a new M&S Bank mortgage application.”

 The new Open Banking platform has been delivered in partnership with Equifax and AccountScore; along with its Account Information Service Provider (AISP), consents.online, which also delivered M&S Bank’s open banking solutions for credit card and personal loan applications.

“Open Banking is not only changing the way banks support their customers, but it also enables greater financial inclusion, awareness and control for consumers.”said Emma Steely, CEO of AccountScore. “This latest addition to M&S Bank’s Open Banking offering will simplify the process for M&S Bank mortgage applicants and reduce the application time by making it much quicker and easier for customers to share supporting documentation.”

Source: M&S Bank press release