Source: Open Banking Implementation Entity
The Open Banking Implementation (OBIE) has today launched consultations on version 3.1.9 of the OBIE Standard. This represents the next stage in the development of open banking in the UK.
This versions includes updates on:
- A2(b)(iii) – Consent and Access Dashboards
- A10 – Sweeping, with specific focus on third party guidance when using variable recurring payments for sweeping
- Amendments to API & MI specifications resulting from changes requests & known defects
- Various Trustee actions
The OBIE welcomes responses to the consultation from all interested parties. The consultation process will take place between the 16th August and 3rd September 2021.
- The OBIE is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, 24th August at 13:00, to talk through v3.1.9 artefacts and explain the consultation process in more detail. If you wish to join this session, please register via Eventbrite here.
- Written consultation responses are due by midday on 3rd September
- Please submit one response per organisation for each artefact.
- Responses are deemed to be non-confidential.
- Consultation responses will be reviewed, and the responses published, before the September Implementation Entity Steering Group meeting
Links to the draft version 3.1.9 of the OBIE Standard & feedback pages
ASPSP MI Specifications & Change Log
TPP MI Specifications & Change Log
Customer Experience Guidelines & Change Log
Link 5 – Guidance for TPPs on use of VRPs for sweeping
In addition to the above the OBIE would like to inform the ecosystem that they have updated the Variable Recurring Payment Proposition to include the agreed definition of Sweeping.