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Open Banking Europe and ETSI Publish a JSON Web Signature Profile for Open Banking

17 Mar 2021

Source: Open Banking Europe

Open Banking Europe (OBE) has published its JSON Web Signature Profile for Open Banking. This is openly available to the industry for download.

This document was developed in partnership with the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), to help establish API standards for the Open Banking community and has been subject to open review. Contributors to the document include: The Berlin Group, STET, SIBS (Portugal), Czech Open Banking, UK Open Banking, Polish Bank Association, Team Digitale (Italy), Consorzio CBI (Italy), Borica (Bulgaria), Slovak Banking Association. The document is aligned with the Technical Specification for JAdES digital signatures, built on JSON Web Signatures and published as ETSI TS 119 182-1. ETSI JAdES aims to fulfil the requirements of European Union eIDAS Regulation for advanced electronic signatures and seals.

John Broxis, Managing Director, Open Banking Europe commented: “As PSD2 and Open Banking move towards Open Finance, standard APIs are essential not just in Europe but globally. Open Banking Europe is proud to be part of that ongoing standardisation work, bringing stakeholders together to solve practical problems”.

Nick Pope, Vice-Chair of ETSI Technical Committee on Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures commented: “The ETSI JAdES standard builds on ETSI’s decades of experience in defining standards for applying digital signatures to a variety of document formats to provide evidence of their authenticity supported by European Regulations. By working with Open Banking Europe, it has developed a solution that matches the requirements of Open Banking APIs whilst assuring the authenticity of financial transactions”.