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Insight: Monzo team up with TrueLayer to offer protection against gambling addiction

19 Feb 2021

Source: Monzo


Monzo was the first bank to introduce a gambling block in 2018, following demand from customers who wanted help controlling their gambling addictions. Over 275,000 customers have chosen to activate the gambling block, and less than 10% have ever switched it off permanently.

The gambling block is a completely optional tool that blocks card payments to gambling firms. Customers can apply it to their Monzo account themselves in the app or by speaking to a member of our customer services team.

But with more and more gambling providers switching to convenient, Open Banking powered payments, Monzo and TrueLayer have teamed up to offer the same protections for customers using these new payment methods to gamble.

This pilot means Monzo customers will be able to benefit from an extended gambling block that prevents card transactions and open banking powered payments to operators supported by TrueLayer.

We believe banks like Monzo and Open Banking providers like TrueLayer have an important role to play in offering customers greater control over how they spend their money.

Right now, Monzo customers can request to block transactions made to gambling providers, from their account. To remove the block, a customer who has opted out will need to speak to Monzo’s customer support team and wait 48 hours to switch off the feature.

Most of the gambling blocks currently on the market today work by blocking card payments to specific ‘merchant category codes’, assigned by card schemes (like Mastercard or Visa). These codes let the bank know what type of business their customer is trying to pay, before they send their money.

But these merchant category codes are only available for card payments – not Open Banking powered payments. As more and more consumers switch to these new, convenient methods, we need to act to make sure they could access the same protections.

Now, TrueLayer will automatically let Monzo know, via an enhanced API call, any time their customer attempts an Open Banking payment to a gambling firm specifically. This additional data access lets Monzo stop the payment on the customers’ behalf if they have their gambling block activated.