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Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) provider Zilch selects challenger credit reference agency Credit Kudos to use their Open Banking affordability platform.
The four winners have collectively tripled their open banking users throughout the course of the Challenge
Open Banking Nigeria announces latest member as it strives for Open Banking implementation and adoption in the region.
International study shows lack of adoption across SME lending space despite clear benefits.
The multi-phase collaboration is part of OpenPayd’s ambition to become the one-stop-shop for its corporate customers’ banking and payments needs
Open Banking Expo launches its Digifest virtual event from 24th to 26th November 2020.
The new Open Banking connectivity will be rolled out to Lydia’s 4 million users in the coming weeks.
The new online tool for mortgage advisers is able to deliver faster, more accurate credit and financial assessments of applicants.
The latest partnership with help further growth in the UK and across Europe.
The agreement expands Cybersource’s existing alternative payments suite, enabling customers to further tap into Europe’s growing demand for recurring payments.