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Snoop app launches ahead of schedule

17 Apr 2020

Industry FinTech, Snoop app, founded by former Virgin Money chief Jayne-Anne Gadhia, has brought forward its launch to help consumers and households better manage their finances as the country continues to navigate its way through the current pandemic.

Snoop is a free app for consumers that, by watching your spending can spot smart ways for the country to save. It uses a mix of artificial and human intelligence delivers data-driven, personalised insights to help consumers make the most of their money.

Commenting on the launch Gadhia: “As we watched both the economic and social consequences of the lockdown unfold, we asked our small army of beta customers, ‘what else can Snoop do to help?’. They not only shared with us smart ways to save money – but also clever ways to home-school and entertain the kids, tips for working from home, and smart solutions to help the local community. All of this clever content from our community can now be found in the app, tailored to those it can help the most.”

Gadhia added: “The coronavirus pandemic has been a game-changer for everyone. We know money is going to be tight for many in the months to come and so we’ve worked flat out to get to market as soon as humanly possible.”