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Trusso: Experian’s categorisation engine

29 Jul 2019

Experian DataLabs comprises expert data scientists who focus on new data, advanced analytics and innovative techniques to solve complex client challenges.

This case study is based on one such project, in which the Experian DataLabs scientists set out to investigate how new data sources, such as transactional data seen through Open Banking APIs, could enrich insight and equip businesses to make better decisions – for example, helping lenders better assess affordability and credit worthiness.

“The DataLabs team believed they could achieve this by accessing and understanding greater detail around an individual’s income and expenditure. They hoped that, as well as improving affordability and credit-risk decisions, this better understood data would offer opportunities across the entire customer lifecycle. Specifically, that it could be modelled to provide better-tailored strategies that benefit businesses and society.” – case study.

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