Industry news
The partnership uses Open Banking to help landlords and agents get a more accurate picture of a prospective tenant’s income, expenditure and creditworthiness
The funding will be co-led by MiddleGame Ventures and Ventura Capital.
New credit card account openings are down 60% since the lockdown in March and sub-prime applications have jump 143% August to September.
Oakbrook’s new venture offers customers a superior application journey and pre-approved offers which reflect their personal circumstances without impacting their credit scores.
OpenWrks will be making their consumer budgeting application, MyBudget, and its Open Data services available to Visa’s clients across Europe.
When complete, Contis’ 250+ clients will be able to utilise Token’s AISP and PISP functionality to deliver open banking services to their end-customers through the Contis platform.
The second round of consultations were originally delayed until the appointment of a new finance minister, following the exit of Bill Morneau in August.
The Consumer Data Right (CDR) was introduced by the Australian Government to ensure consumers have greater control over their personal data.
The announcement comes after the European Banking Authority announced in July that eIDAS certificates of UK TPPs would be revoked when the transition period ends on 31 December 2020.
The new proposition allows mortgage lenders to incorporate Open Banking throughout the home buying experience.