Industry news
The Central Bank of Brazil has announced it will start implementing its own Open Banking rules in November 2020.
Luxembourg-based LUXHUB has announced it has secured an additional €7.4 million in funding as it continues its growth across Europe.
Freedom Finance has announced the of Open Banking enabled proposition pulling in both credit and transactional data.
Curve and Mastercard have been working closely together since Curve launched and have announced a new deal.
UK Fintechs Ordo and Yapily collaborate to solve payments for Covid-19 in Ordo’s neighbour2neighbour initiative.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has announced extension to the deadline for the industry to implement strong customer authentication (SCA).
Plaid has today announced its latest launch in the UK by offering Payment Initiation Services.
RealCheck announces it will utilise Open Banking to help consumers make more informed decisions.
As the UK gets to grips with the benefits of Open Finance, Steve Tigar, chief executive officer of Money Dashboard, describes how he is hoping his company will be a huge beneficiary of the forthcoming transition…
Joe McGrath reports on the latest developments as the industry continues at pace to ‘crack the adoption nut’.