Industry news
GoCardless has chosen to work with Form3 to support the scale up of its UK operations.
The inaugural Yaspa Index surveyed consumers about their awareness and knowledge of other payment terms, including Open Banking, account-to-account payments and Bacs.
Account-to-account payments and digital wallets are among the new payment methods being looked into by merchants and retailers as they seek to address cross-border commerce.
The payment follows the increase in the RTP network’s transaction limit from $1 million to $10 million.
For businesses, the new version of Autogiro will result in more “on-time” payments and reduce administrative workload.
The partnership with Banfico means that ACI Worldwide can offer VoP and CoP services to UK and European banks and PSPs.
The eight companies chosen by Mastercard will participate in a dedicated ‘New Networks’ program.
The partnership comes as there is growing demand for Pay by Bank solutions in the US.