Show news
Nicola Matthias, director of risk and compliance at Aro, reveals what has been the biggest change for its partners under the new Consumer Duty.
Paul Rodgers, chair of Vendorcom, answers our quickfire Q&A ahead of speaking at Open Banking Expo UK and Europe this October.
Technoxander’s chief executive officer Sonal Bomb answers our quickfire questions on Open Banking, explaining the issues that need ‘ironing out’ in the UK.
Konsentus’ Jim Wadsworth reveals what he thinks is the company’s biggest achievement to date and talks about the “sheer pace” of developments in Open Banking.
Simon Lyons, chief strategy officer at obconnect, also reveals why he feels “immensely proud” of the recent work obconnect has done.
Insight: Will the EC’s new payments legislative proposals help unlock Open Banking’s true potential?’s public policy and strategy director Robert Sullivan considers the implications of PSD3 and the Payment Services Regulation (PSR) for the Open Banking ecosystem.
Marie Walker, Raidiam’s open futurist, reveals the ecosystem she thinks is trailblazing in Open Finance.
Darran Morford, chief executive officer of obconnect, answers questions about Open Banking as he gears up to speak at Open Banking Expo UK and Europe.