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What's on

Since its inception in 2018, Open Banking Expo has experienced exponential growth, serving as a catalyst for collaboration within the UK and European Open Banking and Open Finance community. Positioned at the core of this vibrant community, it serves as a pivotal platform where the future of the industry is crafted. What’s on? Read on!

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Conference stages

The event provides a line-up of the most recognisable names in Open Banking, Open Finance and Smart Data. Our speakers will share game-changing case studies, best practice, technical know-how and transformation stories across three stages. 

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The exhibition brings together leading Open Banking and Open Finance solution providers from around the world. Attendees will see hands-on product demos and test-drive the best new technology from global blue-chips and hot new start-ups.

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Co-located shows

Explore the future of Open Finance & Smart Data at our co-located shows. Uncover global trends in financial data sharing, crucial for success. Dive into innovations shaping accessible, secure, and beneficial financial services for all.

Show features

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Networking Zone

Engage in high-impact networking in the Networking Zone. Seamlessly book meetings, foster connections, and expand your professional network. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with industry leaders and cultivate valuable relationships to propel your career and business forward.

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Innovation Zone

After debuting successfully in 2024, the Innovation Zone at Open Banking Expo is expanding in 2025! This dedicated section of the exhibition hall will showcase an even larger selection of the hottest start-ups and emerging companies. Visit the Innovation Zone to meet our exciting new exhibitors and discover pioneering solutions that are shaping the future of Open Banking and Open Finance.

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Expo hall

This year, our exhibition hall has expanded to bring you more opportunities to explore the cutting-edge advancements in Open Banking and Open Finance. Walk the floor to discover the latest innovations, groundbreaking technologies, and new product developments from industry leaders and emerging players.

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Oktoberfest after party

Join us for an unforgettable Oktoberfest-themed after party on the exhibition floor in the Bavarian Village Bar! Celebrate the end of the event with traditional German beer served in steins, music, and plenty of networking. Don't miss the chance to unwind and connect with your industry in style!

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The Networking Bar

Discover the heart of our conference at the Networking Bar, where connections are made and ideas flow. Purchase a wide selection of beverages in a relaxed atmosphere, perfect for networking and unwinding.

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Powerhouse debates

Renowned for hosting memorable industry debates, Open Banking Expo makes its triumphant return in 2025 to dissect the hottest topics. Anticipate industry luminaries taking the stage to engage in lively discussions, debates, and thought-provoking exchanges.

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Regulatory debates

From the latest JROC recommendations around the proposed design of the future UK entity to navigating the Smart Data roadmap and the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, our agenda delves into essential UK and European regulatory updates, crucial for understanding their impact on you and your business.

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Open Banking Expo Awards All winners on stage
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Open Banking Expo Awards

Get set to applaud the trailblazers of Open Banking, Open Finance, and Open Banking Payments at the Open Banking Expo Awards on Day One's conclusion. Secure your spot to honour the industry's innovators, disruptors, and visionaries. Tickets sold separately.

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